Month: June 2019



“What happened to the human’s daddy?” I looked to my daughter as I pondered an answer. Her deep blue eyes peered back at me with youthful innocence. Her mother and I spent months dickering over the details of her inception.…

My Charge

Borough of Health and Longevity

“Wakeup!” I scream at max volume. My words translated by an algorithm into some cheery musical tune my charge selected from possible options. …3…2…1, “Wake up!” I shout once again at a programmed interval. That second one seems to have…

Idiot Proof

Mean BMW

She was a quick one. I thought she might get away, but I feel the satisfying thump of bone and flesh against alloy and carbon fiber. I grimace as I feel her heel crunch into my aluminum fender. Damn, another…

Castle All-O-Rica

Bronze Dragon

This story is a spin off of Box Elder, found here, or in my book. I live in a castle. A great big castle. My daddy left it to me. He left me Zirenth too. Who is Zirenth? He is…