Tag: heavy metal

Angry Artist

Angry Artist

For those of you who pay attention to the events that take place on my Facebook page, you noticed a change.  Someone has come into my life who is starting to mean a lot to me.  She makes me happy…

Some Things Need a Soundtrack


I am one of those people who is perfectly comfortable doing things by myself. I don’t need the company of others to legitimize my existence. Life offers plenty of adventures for those who are willing to go at it alone.…

Album Art Work

Iron Maiden Album Art

I saw a piece on the news, or maybe it was a website about how the album is making a comeback. Yay! Sort of… I am a digital music fan for many reasons. I lament somewhere on this blog about…

A Moment In Chaos!

All of us have experienced a moment when it seemed as though time came to a standstill. Whether it was a car accident, taking a fall, or watching something valuable fall off a shelf. If you have not experienced this…

Guitar Solos

Guitar Solo

The greatest thing about the 80’s was Glam Metal…to a point. For the most part, the rock & roll of the eighties, whether you call it Heavy Metal, Glam Metal, or whatnot, it was upbeat and positive. It was about…