Author: W.A. McDonald

Musings Part 1

The one thing I did more than any other while I drove this countries highways and byways was ponder over how people interact with one another. Because of one failed marriage before becoming a truck driver and a broken engagement…

Time Travel Symphony

I touted not long ago in “If only we could go back…”that time travel wasn’t possible. Then contradicted myself when I said it was possible in a sense in “Yesterdays Friends”. Now I am going to say once again, thanks…

Done Button

I kind of chuckle when I hear someone say, “I love working out.” I exercise because of the results, not for the process. Not one time have I woke up at 4:30 in the morning and said, “Yes! It’s time…

Best Friend

As a child growing up in family that moved often, long lasting permanent friendships did not develop. There were play mates, class mates, kids you hung out with, but friendship required trust and mutual respect. If those things existed, then…

Memphis Belle

As a kid I think we all liked war movies.  There is lots of action, explosions, and really cool things like tanks, planes, and battleships.  We did not realize the horror of the real thing.  We were just kids and…

Extreme Social Media!

Isn’t it ironic that Muslim extremist denounce western culture, but seem to have no qualms about using our inventions to get that very message out to the world? The Internet was born here in the US, and we are the…

GMC Cabover

I never much like being a child. It’s not that my childhood was difficult. Some were better, others worse. It was my role in life as a child I didn’t care for. I also really didn’t  enjoy hanging out with…

Yesterday’s Friends

As we get older, we take inventory of our lives. During this reflection, we find holes created by those people who have slipped into our past. Someone else cannot fill these holes. It’s not that these holes are painful, or…


I had my underwear stolen once. It wasn’t really just my underwear; it was my shower bag. I used for showers at truck stops. The thief didn’t steal it at a truck stop though; some prick stole it at a…

Hung up the Phone!

When was the last time you “Hung up the phone”? Technology pays my bills.  Well, more like the fact that technology isn’t perfect pays my bills.  However, while technology changes our lives, we cling to old expression and idioms.  The…