Category: Things that make you go hmmm…

These are posts that are a result of my mind catching on something and me going…hmmm. It might be an old phrase, cliche, or a life altering idea.

Bucket List

My Bucket List

Bucket List was a great movie, but since the movie, we are bombarded with the phrase, which now makes the term “cliché”. Like anything cliché, it becomes tiresome, boring…cliché. Everyone now has a bucket list. I have always had a…

Do Over

Bob the Squirrel

Would pain be a strong enough deterrent to keep you from being stupid? What if we could rewind, and try it again? Let’s assume that “do overs” include, when you really screw up, and get yourself killed. Like Bill Murray’s…

Life After Death?

Life after death

Why do we revere the dead? I have a theory. I think it is all rooted in superstition. We are terrified that our now dead relatives will come back and haunt us if we don’t give them a “proper burial”.…

Wait Til Tomorrow…


What if we lived forever? Would anything get done? It is human nature to procrastinate. I have been putting of writing something for my blog for three days. Even the most productive people put stuff off because they don’t want…

So Many for so Few

Destroyed Vehicle

I am going to start this piece by saying I was a huge proponent of the War on Terror.  Not only did I support it, I volunteered to reenlist with my local guard unit.  Unfortunately, I was turned down, and…

A Moment In Chaos!

All of us have experienced a moment when it seemed as though time came to a standstill. Whether it was a car accident, taking a fall, or watching something valuable fall off a shelf. If you have not experienced this…

Darwin would be pissed!

Warning Labels

I am not one to take the theory of evolution as the final word on how we ended up walking upright on this planet. But the man had it right when he said natural selection could determine the outcome of…

Guitar Solos

Guitar Solo

The greatest thing about the 80’s was Glam Metal…to a point. For the most part, the rock & roll of the eighties, whether you call it Heavy Metal, Glam Metal, or whatnot, it was upbeat and positive. It was about…

I Remember My First Kiss

I remember my first kiss. I was seven or eight and her name was Sandra. It was a thrill for me because I had a huge crush on her. The kiss was the result of a contest to see which…

Grandma’s Power Meter

Regular readers of this blog may have figured out by now, I was a pretty inquisitive kid. If something piqued my interest, I explored it to its fullest. As I said in some other post on this site, to ask…