Selfish Act…

I used to believe that those who take their own lives are committing the ultimate selfish act! I no longer believe that. I also used to look at famous people and wonder what there is to be depressed about. They achieved what it…

Sleep In

Sleep In

Mom is yelling from the top of the stairs to get out of bed It is summer, and you wonder, what is going on in her head You mumble, “I wish I were an adult, a man in one’s own…

Alone With You

A better life you have made mine Your heart is warm, giving, & kind You give of yourself without regret A warm smile is always a safe bet Life with you is an adventure Occasionally, the odd misadventure You add…

I’m a Lefty

I'm a Lefty

In case you did not know it, I am left handed.  Well sort of… I grew up in an era when left handed was considered abi-normal.  If you do not get that reference, watch Young Frankenstein.  I highly recommended it…F’n…