Memphis Belle

All those young men and women who volunteered for the never ending war in the Middle East are doing it.

Nothing burns my ass more than when an athlete on a football field, or in a wrestling ring, or whatever field of play it is calls themselves a warrior.  Even more annoying is when the announcer labels them with that proud moniker.

Those men and women who put themselves in harm’s way every day to fight for this country are warriors.  Those punks on the football field are gold diggers.  Playing for the paycheck, hoping their careers last long enough so they can live comfortably ever after.  When was the last time a baseball player accepted a smaller contract so he could stay with the team that gave him his big break.  Bunch of fricken candy asses with no loyalty to anything but money.

Let’s compare the wages of a Warrant Officer flying a Black Hawk helicopter over the deserts of Afghanistan hoping a RPG doesn’t fly up his ass to that of a “warrior” complaining about concussion like symptoms in a dugout.  All the while collecting his guaranteed salary of millions.


After the shuttle Challenger exploded on take off back in 1986; my platoon mates and me were devastated.  American spacecraft didn’t explode killing all aboard.  We mourned just as the rest of the country did.  A couple of weeks after the news, one of our TAC Officers asked for a show of hands, anyone who would be willing to strap into a shuttle tomorrow and get fired into space.  Well over 80% of the hands in the platoon went up.

That TAC Officer didn’t offer us any compensation, except for the opportunity to show the rest of the world we are not afraid…even after failure.

Those men who flew into harm’s way back in 1943 were doing just that.  They were showing Nazi Germany that no matter how bad the losses.  No matter how many of our planes they shot down, we were not afraid.  We were going to put an end to their ability to wage war against a free people.

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