Category: Flash Fiction

So Close


The kiss is impassioned, time momentarily meaningless for both. Then, his eyes flutter open and he pulls back. She looks at him, then tips her head down demurely. He places a hand on her cheek, strokes just under her emerald…

Alternative Universe

Parallel Universe

As I close the door behind me, the feeling of guilt washes over me with an intensity never before felt. Cassandra would be deeply hurt if she found out about my weekly forays into Victoria’s world. As I pass through…

If she only knew my secret.

Jet Wingsuit

“This is going to be awesome.” Lisa beams looking over her shoulder at me. I love the glint in her blue almond shaped eyes in moments such as this. They dance with excitement, and a twinge of fear. “How far…

Greed of the Masses

Hands out for public money

I look into the mirror wishing I could shower.  My raven hair glistens with the days of accumulated oil. It’s razor straight, so a messy bun won’t do much to hide it. Instead, I tie most of it into a…

Born From Legend

Hit by a Bus

I was born from legend, it was not my actions that created such a legend. My role in this life is quite simple really, I hunt. Not just any living creatures. No, my pray is of a very specific sub…

Missed Opportunities


Hers was a long journey. I watched as her archaic liquid rockets accelerated her primitive craft to escape velocity. The use of multiple stages to get her spacecraft up to escape velocity and their continued use that accelerated her to…

Blind Faith

FTL 37

A shadow of my features looks back at me from my tablet. Colors are vague, my eyes showing more as a light gray, than their sky blue. My blonde hair, looking light brown. I note the line of my strong…

Fake Heroes

Remote Space Outpost

Another one of these huh? These come across the news feeds every now and again, and I cannot help but wonder why the fuss. Another death of something they like to call celebrities. Let me see, the star of some…

Long Cold Winter

Sun Dogs

I look out through the smart glass, taking in the vast expanses of snow that blankets the world around me. I hear the wind as it caresses the smooth parts of my enviroarmor, and rattles any lose baubles. I check…