Someone to Cherish

It’s not just about companionship
It goes beyond holding hands
I wanted someone to cherish.

The old stories talked of chivalry and romance
Silly notions too many who read them
For me, I desired a mate I to cherish

A lifelong habit of empty relationships
Left me feeling vacant and emotionless
Yet I still hoped I could love and cherish

Yesteryear’s heartache and pain behind me
Thoughts of a better tomorrow fill my dreams
Now I can find that someone to cherish

Those five questions, a simple introduction
Yet between the lines, I saw an opportunity
For that one person whom I could cherish

The months, they have sailed by us
All of the seasons we have shared
In you, I have found someone to cherish

A late night drive home from where I found you
In the evening light, your beauty gives me delight
I see in your eyes, it’s you I will forever cherish

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