1.4 Million Years

PowerBall Ticket and balls

A long time ago, I quit “investing” in lottery tickets. I decided at that time, that instead of putting my faith in a one in 292 million chance, I would put my faith in my own talents and abilities. To…

Someone to Cherish

Other Key = Love?

It’s not just about companionship It goes beyond holding hands I wanted someone to cherish. The old stories talked of chivalry and romance Silly notions too many who read them For me, I desired a mate I to cherish A…

In my Dreams

In My Dreams

Vacant eyes stared out over the porch railing and the rolling meadows of natural prairie grass beyond. Fletcher did not see the beautiful autumn colors, nor did he hear the sound of Canadian geese honking as they passed overhead. What…


Colonial Space Shuttle

This story has been updated… “Why are we going to the Moon daddy?” Stephano turned to look at his son.  A mixture of curiosity and fear marring his son’s otherwise innocent features.  The sight of which tugged at Stephano’s heart. …